Friday, March 7, 2008

My New Favorite Thing

I realized just recently that I've been wasting my time sucking on my fingers. I found something even better to put in my TOES! I can't believe they've been there all along and I've just figured out that I can get them to my mouth. Mommy keeps putting on socks to cover them up, but I've found out how to get them off too.

My toes are great! I hope Mommy doesn't decide to start making me wear shoes...they'll just have to come off too!

1 comment:

The Gang's Momma! said...

Teagan, you are soo cute! Did you know that when I was your age, I sucked my toes too? It was hard, because my legs were so chubby, but I did it. It was a nice change from my thumb occasionally! I love you and I can't wait to see you on St. Patty's Day. Love, Shayne