Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas 2009

I had a great Christmas again this year! On Christmas morning, we were at Grandma and Grandpa's house. First, we had to get a family picture on the O'Mara family tradition!

Then, we got to open our presents! I helped my little sister...

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for the wonderful gifts and yummy food! I had Grandma's homemade raviolis for the first good!! And I got to hang out with all of my cousins...all 13 of them!
After church on Sunday, we headed down to Maryland to visit Grandmom and Granddad. I got to see all of my cousins on that side too. Grandmom got a picture of all of us:

Thank you Grandmom and Granddad also! I had a lot of fun...especially when we went to 34th St. in Hamden to see all of the Christmas lights!

It was nice to see my entire family this year! Christmas always goes by so fast!
I hope everyone has a Happy New Year!