Thursday, April 3, 2008

I Can Sit Up

I'm starting to get the hang of this whole sitting up thing...I've been able to sit up leaning forward for the last month or so. I'm getting a lot better at it now...

But I'm still a little shakey...

Don't worry...I'm okay!
Daddy and Mommy are still waiting for me to start crawling...they think that will happen soon. But who needs to crawl? I can already get around pretty well! Daddy and Mommy are always finding me off of my blankets and play mats and laying in the middle of the floor! It would be nice to move forward, though...right now all I can do is move backwards and roll side to side. I guess crawling would be pretty cool! Watch out Mommy and better keep your eyes on me!

1 comment:

The Gang's Momma! said...

Hi T! It's your big cousin Caleb. You look so funny in that first picture - like you have stubby little legs. Keep trying and soon you'll be walking! Love, Caleb