Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Big Snowstorm

Mommy and Liadan and I were snowed in at Grandmom and Granddad's house in Maryland last weekend. They got a record breaking snowstorm...almost 30 inches of snow! I had so much fun playing in the snow. It was so deep! I couldn't even stand in it...I could only sit on top of it!

Grandmom said that I had to do some work before I'd be able to play in the snow...so I helped her shovel. The snow was very heavy and the piles were way over my head!
As a reward for doing such a good job, Grandmom took me sledding. We had to sled in the street because the snow was so deep in the yard! That was great!

Mommy and I had fun in the snow too!

I was hoping that Liadan could go out and play with us too, but Mommy didn't have a snowsuit for her at Grandmom's house. I felt bad for her. Maybe next time it snows she can go out in it. I got to throw snowballs at her when she was looking out the window, though! :)

1 comment:

Grandmom said...

I had so much fun with you Teagan in the snow. I wish you were still here because we are going to get another 20 inches of snow to shovel.
Love & Hugs,